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The mission of this institution is to “inspire, prepare, and empower students to succeed in a changing world.” Our shared vision is to be recognized as “a national leader in transforming lives through an innovative, explicit, and compassionate approach to education.” It is my great privilege to work and learn alongside you each day as we strive to fulfill this mission and to live into this vision.
I am committed to working with you to create, maintain, and enhance an environment conducive to the learning and growth of all students, faculty and staff. I continue to actively discuss this with my administration and leaders from across the campus, and urge each of them to reflect upon how their communications and actions demonstrate their commitment to this work and impact our environment.

As an educational institution we have a unique opportunity to create and nurture an environment that encourages and embraces a wide breadth of ideas and beliefs. This work belongs to us all–it is a shared responsibility. While leaders must set the tone and model their commitment to this work, each of us impacts our environment through our daily interactions with our students and one another.
Please join me in working together in an open, honest, and trusting manner to build an institution environment where all the students, faculty, and staff are valued and can thrive.

With trust and respect,
Shivaram H. J., M.Tech

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